Thursday, July 16, 2009

What are you waiting for? A call to action!

Have a little extra time on your hands (through no fault of your own)?  Or are you someone who wants to make a difference in your world and need a place to start (or continue)?  We've just the thing for you. Volunteering on your Co-op's Board of Trustees (BOT) is a very rewarding opportunity. Notice my emphasis on the word YOUR. As a member- owner this "store" (oh, it's so much more than a store) belongs to you and a few other humans. It doesn't take a degree in business to be a BOT  member, although we won't turn you away if you have one!
Just a dedication to your Cooperative and a few hours a month is all it takes. The candidates for the BOT are elected by the member-owners of SNFC in October.  Don't let "running for election" scare you. There are no 'special interests' that will dog you and there is NO campaign fund to deal with!
Just a few of the REWARDS gleaned from serving your Co-op:
Great way to network
Looks good on your resume
Hang out with really cool people
Receive an extra discount on your Co-op purchases
Makes you feel good
You are contributing to the community
Doing your part to save the world from bad food, sweat shops, corporate farming, ect.....
Sounds good!  The sooner you call or write to us to find out more the better.  The Time is NOW. Contact Anita 425-334-4081 or Mollie at the Co-op:

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